
clothing into rags

My flannel bed sheets from college had a lot of sentimental value, but they were full of holes.  As kitchen rags, I get to enjoy their color, texture, and the memories they remind me of more frequently than if I had stuffed them in a save box. 

Favorite worn-out jersey knit t-shirts are cut up and stuffed into an old tissue box that I keep by my bed.  Corporate logos clutter my mind, so I like to cover them with small drawings or pretty textures snipped from magazines. 

A box of rags made from old clothes is great to have in the kitchen or garage for spills, straining, and messes that might ruin your nicer towels.  I spend less on paper towels.   

Wash your rags along with your regular laundry.  If they get too soiled, they’re easy to toss.  For easy cutting, buy a pair of scissors that you use exclusively for fabric and label them as such. 
